Forgotten - Whispers from the ashes
Lead programmer for a yet-to-be released detective story-driven open-map first-person game set in a western ghost town.
My main task was to develop a narrative system using data tables (from which I made my own plugin), manage world interaction between past and present using interfaces and shaders, manage data saving and loading, player item inspection using mouse movement and develop an easily customizable puzzle system.
I've been working with a team of 10 ex-students from AIV - Italian Videogames Academy and will be published on AIV steam page.
The player must use his grandfather's cursed lantern to search for clues in the past and present.
Simple Narrative System Plugin
The simplest narrative and dialogues system you can find for Unreal Engine.
It's very easy to set up and use and after 1 year of work, it has been released on the Fab marketplace (Ex EpicGames
Marketplace). This plugin uses data tables to store dialogues data; a world subsystem to
automatically instantiate an audio and UI manager without adding it to the level each time; a blueprint
function library to export c++ functionality (Only 5 nodes for not-programmers semplicity).
AI Chatbot - Minesweeper inside Unreal Engine 5
Integrated a Chat Bot hosted on a local Ollama server inside Unreal Engine 5. The chat bot follows this workflow:
- When sent a prompt using the Slate UI, inside C++ I create a new thread.
- In this new thread I create a bridge between Unreal Engine and Python.
- In Python I make a Rest Call and the result is returned inside a Unreal Engine UStruct as a stream of data.
- If the result contains a Json and it's a Minesweeper grid, spawns it as a working minigame inside the Slate UI.